Windows XP MVP
By: John Barnett, Curt Simmons, Alan
Simpson and David Dalan.
- Publisher: Wiley
- ISBN: 0764597868
- Price: £22.99 (UK) $34.99 (US) Recommended
- Available From:

Book Cover reproduced with kind
permission of John Wiley & Sons Publishers
Have you ever noticed how there’s never an IT
expert on hand when your PC develops problems? Are
you fed up calling premium rate telephone numbers,
simply to be kept waiting for the ‘next available
support person’? Well now you can ditch the support
staff and have a Windows XP Expert sitting right on
your desktop in the form of Windows XP MVP.
Windows XP MVP by John Barnett, Curt Simmons,
Alan Simpson and David Dalan, is written with the
home and small business user in mind and is packed
with useful information including helpful personal
tips and professional advice.
The book is divided into five sections or
solutions and covers topics such as:
- Configuring and Personalising Windows XP
- Internet and Networking with Windows XP
- Multimedia Solutions with Windows XP
- Hacking Windows XP
- Securing and Troubleshooting Windows XP
Each topic is extensively covered with the
information being presented in a clear, non
technical, easy to understand format. There is even
a chapter in the Appendix giving the reader a primer
on registry editing.
Other chapters contain information on recovering
from crashes, creating Internet Connections and
Wired Networks, scripting, managing local security,
managing disks and drive, using Windows Movie Maker,
Windows Media Player 10 and even translating those
elusive Windows error messages. There are even tips
and tricks for speeding up Windows XP.
There are a host of books available on Windows XP
with most targeting the more technically minded
computer user. Windows XP MVP, on the other hand,
doesn’t rely upon a specific knowledge level for the
user to understand its content and put its tips into
While not a troubleshooting book, per se, Windows
XP MVP is definitely a must have for every Windows
XP User. All 696 pages of Windows XP MVP are packed
with expert information, personal tips and
informative sidebars; all written by Authors’ who
are experts in their field. Only Windows XP MVP can
supply you with all this expert advice in one simple
to use volume. Make sure you have it at the side of
your pc and you too can have your own personal
Windows XP expert right at your fingertips.
- Ease of use: 10.0
- Features: 10.0
- Value for Money: 10.0
- Overall: 10.0