19. How Do I Silence My Modem
As soon as your modem starts to dial your ISP's
telephone number, the minute it makes contact the
modem starts screeching and wailing as if it is in
pain. This can be extremely irritating. Fortunately
it is easy to stop.
- Click the Start button.
- In the Start menu click Control
- In Control panel click the Phone and
Modem icon.
- The phone and modem options window opens.
- Click the Modem tab and
then click the Properties
button at the base of the window.
- In the Modem Properties window click the
Advanced tab.
- In the advanced tab window a dialog box
called Extra Initialization Commands
should be visible.
- In this box type: M0 (the 0
being Zero).
- Click OK to exit.
- You can also use the volume control on the
Modem tab in the modem properties window to turn
off the modem speaker.
An alternative is as follows: This is for PC
with Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) installed.
- Click the Start button.
- On the Start menu click Control
- In the Control panel click the
Network Connection Icon.
- Right Click on the Dial Up
Connection icon for your ISP.
- From the drop down menu select
- In the Properties window you will see a
section marked Connect Using.
Below this will be details of your modem.
- Click the Configure button.
- The modem configuration window will now
- Near the bottom of the window you will see
an option marked Enable Modem Speaker.
There should be a tick mark inside the box on
the left of this option.
- To Disable the modem speaker simply
remove the tick mark, Click OK
then Exit all other open windows.