105. How Do I Remove Read Only Attributes
From Files Backed Up To A CD
Copying backed up files from a CD/R to your hard
drive or copying the files backed up using the
Windows Backup Utility, have one disadvantage
over files already stored on your hard drive. That
disadvantage is that, when copied from CD/R to your
hard drive, they are copied with Read Only
attributes. Therefore, although you have retrieved
the file(s) you are unable to make changes to them.
To correct this problem you need to copy the
files from the CD/R to your hard disk and then
change the attributes, as follows:
- Click the Start button.
- From the Start menu click
All Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt.
- At the Command Prompt window
change to the directory/folder
where the read only files are stored. For ease it is
better, when originally copy the files from CD/R to
your hard drive, that you copy them to the My
Documents folder. However, you may have
copied them, elsewhere so type:
C:\"name of folder" (Type the folder name without the quotes – e.g.
- Once you arrive at the required folder type
the following: attrib –r *.* /s
- You should now be able to write to all the files you copied from the CD/R.
- Alternatively if you only have one specific file that requires the attributes
changing, copy the file from the CD/R to your MY
Documents file. once in My Documents right click on
the file and select properties. In the properties
box make sure there isn't a tick mark next to the
Read Only box. If there is a tick in the box next to
this option then Right click on the box to remove the
tick, click Apply and then OK. You should now be
able to both read and write to this particular file.