67. How Do I Put A Picture Of My Own
Choosing On The Start Menu And Welcome Screen
Although the default Start Menu and Welcome
Screen pictures are useful, they don't always
reflect the users mood. Sometimes you want something
completely different. Maybe something that displays
your personality or perhaps you simply want a
picture of your favourite pet on the start menu.
Well here is how you do it.
- Click the Start button.
- Next Click on the Picture on the Start Menu.
- The User Accounts window
will now open.
- You now have a choice of either selecting
one of the default pictures or selecting one of
your own.
- If you want to display one of the default
pictures simply select it from those displayed
and the click the Change Picture
- If you want to display a picture of your own
Click on the Browse for More Pictures
- Select the folder where your picture is
stored and open that folder.
- Now Click on the picture you want to use.
- The Start Menu and
Welcome Screen will now display your
new chosen picture.