65. How Do I Get Phone Dialer To Work In
Windows XP
By default Phone Dialer is not added to the
communication menu. Therefore unless you know where
to find it your immediate assumption is that Windows
XP no longer uses Phone Dialer. As you can see, from
the instructions below, Phone Dialer is alive and
kicking. It's just keeping itself well and truely
under wraps!
To Run Phone Dialer
- Click the Start button.
- From the Start menu click Run.
- In the Run dialog box type:
dialer.exe and press Enter.
- The dialer application will now open.
Adding Phone Dialer to the Communication Menu
- Click the Start button.
- From the Start menu click All
Programs followed by
- From the Accessories drop
down menu click on Windows Explorer.
- In Windows Explorer click
on the drive/partition your Windows XP is
installed on. This is usually C:.
- Navigate to: Documents and
Settings\All Users\Start
- Click File on the main
Windows Explorer toolbar.
- From the drop down menu click New
and then click Shortcut.
- The shortcut wizard will now open.
- In the shortcut dialog box type: c:\programfiles\windows
- Click Next.
- The type a name for this shortcut
dialog box now appears.
- Type: Phone Dialer.
- Now click Finish.
- Phone Dialer should now appear on the
Communications menu.